The basic information of securities



  • get symbol(): string
  • Security code

    Returns string

  • get nameCn(): string
  • Security name (zh-CN)

    Returns string

  • get nameEn(): string
  • Security name (en)

    Returns string

  • get nameHk(): string
  • Security name (zh-HK)

    Returns string

  • get exchange(): string
  • Exchange which the security belongs to

    Returns string

  • get currency(): string
  • Trading currency

    Returns string

  • get lotSize(): number
  • Lot size

    Returns number

  • get totalShares(): number
  • Total shares

    Returns number

  • get circulatingShares(): number
  • Circulating shares

    Returns number

  • get hkShares(): number
  • HK shares (only HK stocks)

    Returns number


  • Returns string

  • Returns any