Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- t -
- tag
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_push_order_changed_t
- ten_day_change_rate
: lb_security_calc_index_t
- theta
: lb_security_calc_index_t
- time
: lb_datetime_t
, lb_order_history_detail_t
- time_in_force
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_submit_order_options_t
- timestamp
: lb_candlestick_t
, lb_capital_distribution_response_t
, lb_capital_flow_line_t
, lb_intraday_line_t
, lb_option_quote_t
, lb_prepost_quote_t
, lb_push_quote_t
, lb_realtime_quote_t
, lb_security_quote_t
, lb_trade_t
, lb_warrant_quote_t
- to_call_price
: lb_security_calc_index_t
, lb_warrant_info_t
- total_amount
: lb_order_charge_detail_t
- total_cash
: lb_account_balance_t
- total_market_value
: lb_security_calc_index_t
- total_shares
: lb_security_static_info_t
- trade_done_at
: lb_execution_t
- trade_id
: lb_execution_t
- trade_session
: lb_push_quote_t
, lb_trade_t
, lb_trading_session_info_t
- trade_sessions
: lb_market_trading_session_t
- trade_status
: lb_option_quote_t
, lb_push_quote_t
, lb_realtime_quote_t
, lb_security_quote_t
, lb_warrant_quote_t
- trade_type
: lb_trade_t
- trades
: lb_push_trades_t
- trading_days
: lb_market_trading_days_t
- trailing_amount
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_push_order_changed_t
, lb_replace_order_options_t
, lb_submit_order_options_t
- trailing_percent
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_push_order_changed_t
, lb_replace_order_options_t
, lb_submit_order_options_t
- transaction_flow_name
: lb_cash_flow_t
- trigger_at
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_push_order_changed_t
- trigger_price
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_push_order_changed_t
, lb_replace_order_options_t
, lb_submit_order_options_t
- trigger_status
: lb_order_detail_t
, lb_order_t
, lb_push_order_changed_t
- turnover
: lb_candlestick_t
, lb_intraday_line_t
, lb_option_quote_t
, lb_prepost_quote_t
, lb_push_quote_t
, lb_realtime_quote_t
, lb_security_calc_index_t
, lb_security_quote_t
, lb_warrant_info_t
, lb_warrant_quote_t
- turnover_rate
: lb_security_calc_index_t